quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Is Justin Bieber retiring?

Is Justin Bieber tired of it all?
After his recent retirement was announcement some got happy some cried over. His friends said it was a joke.
Justin Bieber made this comment at a Los Angeles radio station Power 106, after they asked him about his new album.
“This new album, I’m actually retiring man. I’m retiring,” Justin told Power 106 host Big Boy, in a tired stugering low voice.
Justin also added almost wispering, “I’m just gonna take some time, I think I’m probably going to quit music.”
His 16-song collection that includes 10 previously released tracks in his Music Mondays series, hits iTunes on December 23.
However, Billboard recently reported the teen star will no longer release his new full-length album in the end of 2014. Should we take it seriously? maybe not just yet.

It is probably another joke from young star.
“Big Boy’s Show” interview was suppose to start at 7:00 am and he showed up two hours late, because of traffic he said by twiter statind he only had three hours of sleep.
Justin just came from the Believe world tour and a year completly full, it seems Justin is not stoping.
He also said later in the interview:”I want to grow as an artist and I’m taking a step out, I want my music to mature.”
Also when opening his Believe movie Bieber he spoke openly on every subject concerning rumors.
A brothel in Brazil, being in a strip club and a video featuring him sleeping supposely filmed by a brazilian girl that claimed to had sex with Justin.
“I’m 19, I’m gonna make mistakes. It’s inevitable.” He said, “People think I’m arrogant, I’m not, I’ve always been a caring and giving person,” and said he was “here solely for my fans and for the music.”
It doesn’t sound like he is leaving just now, not until he is 21 at least.

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Where to apply for jobs in the top companies recruitment sites?

Most of the top companies of the world are recruiting online. This method facilitates the recruitment process, making it easy for companies to receive applications from all over the world. The process also makes jobs available for people around the world that before the web era didn't have a chance for entering a recruitment process in the top companies.
It is not a bad idea to visit this sites and fill the application and the cv, if you are looking for a job.
If the time meets the need, who knows where you could be working next week.
Finding this recruitment sites could be time consuming, but you can find a well arranged site that grouped these links together and has a nice interface with simple identification of the companies and direct links to their recruitment sites.
There you can go through hundreds of companies that have career sites online.
The url is:

sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010

Denise Borino-Quinn (Sopranos) dies at 46.

Denise Borino-Quinn played the wife of Johnny Sack Sacramoni in the hit series "The Sopranos". Denised passed away on Wednesday at Morristown Memorial Hospital (New Jersey), a funeral Mass was held this Saturday.